Whilst working at Fallibroome Academy, I was appointed Blue Community Manager. My key roles were creating and delivering assemblies, creating displays, posters and advertising events, rewards evening, whole school community rewards and supporting and running community events.

Each week the students would take part in community events. These would range from sporting events to more specialised activities such as bake offs, quizzes and the Christmas Markets. I would create posters to advertise the events to the students, staff and parents. Please click on the posters to enlarge them.
Each week the students would take part in community events. These would range from sporting events to more specialised activities such as bake offs, quizzes and the Christmas Markets. I would create posters to advertise the events to the students, staff and parents. Please click on the posters to enlarge them.

World Book Week
Every year schools around the UK celebrate World Book Day. As a school we decided to celebrate week long with different events to engage students in literacy.
Every year schools around the UK celebrate World Book Day. As a school we decided to celebrate week long with different events to engage students in literacy.

Awards Evening
One of the larger events I organised as Community Manager were Awards Evenings. I created and printed around 700 certificates for these 4 evenings. The events were designed to celebrate students who had shown dedication to our school community, shown excellence in a subject, had excellent attendance and had an excellent attitude to behaviour and learning.
One of the larger events I organised as Community Manager were Awards Evenings. I created and printed around 700 certificates for these 4 evenings. The events were designed to celebrate students who had shown dedication to our school community, shown excellence in a subject, had excellent attendance and had an excellent attitude to behaviour and learning.

Social Media
In my role I used Instagram and the school website to help communicate events running each week to parents and students.
In my role I used Instagram and the school website to help communicate events running each week to parents and students.

For special events such as Masterchef or the Great Bookish Bake Off I would create certificates to award to the students in addition to prizes and Community Coins.
For special events such as Masterchef or the Great Bookish Bake Off I would create certificates to award to the students in addition to prizes and Community Coins.

One of my key responsibilities as Community Manager was to create a community rewards system for the school. I designed and made a tube system which the students could collect Community Coins in for their colour of community. They would collect them for attending community events and for positive acts in our community.
One of my key responsibilities as Community Manager was to create a community rewards system for the school. I designed and made a tube system which the students could collect Community Coins in for their colour of community. They would collect them for attending community events and for positive acts in our community.