I recently worked with Changing Relations to produce "Who Wears the Trousers. An exploration of men and masculinity." This was a really exciting commission for me, and I really enjoyed the experience of designing something that will be used to have a positive impact on society. The booklet is a learning aid for sessiond that will assist participants in challenging and better understand all aspects of gender and masculinity, and the roles men play (and are perceived to play) in society. Since this commission, I've continued to work with Changing Relations as a freelance designer
Changing Relations was set up in 2013 by Lisa Charlotte Davis to educate schools, organisations and communities about difficult and, often taboo, relationship issues. Lisa’s mission was to give voice to the unheard members of society and engage with audiences by using the arts as a transformative way to reach people and change lives.
As part of this commission I was asked to create a range of new artworks to complement other existing artworks, which included collage, ceramics, illustrations, textiles pieces created by a variety of artists and children. I used a variety of collage, hand illustration, bespoke typography and digital illustration to create the booklet. I aimed for a scrapbook, grungy, tactile appearance, so users would want to take ownership of it and make it their own. 

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