This animation was created for an open call I received from Miriam Sturdee at University of St Andrews. The prompt was to create an artwork of nearly any format responding to the prompt: what does art in HCI mean/look like to you?
This open call was then co-authored into a paper:Travelling Arts x HCI Sketchbook: Exploring the Intersection Between Artistic Expression and Human-Computer Interaction. 
 When thinking of arts in HCI, one might be tempted to keep one’s eyes focused on prominent realms such as sketching for UX Design and design probes from participants. A closer look shows that practices go beyond this, involving a variety of arts-based expressions by researchers, the researched and third parties, e.g. graphic facilitators. Inspired by Toselli’s Sketchnote Army Travelling Sketchbook, researchers and artists contributed to a ’Travelling Sketchbook for Arts in HCI’, showcasing their arts-based practice in HCI. The resulting sketchbook explores the intersection between HCI and artistic expression, illuminating what it means to use art in HCI. It shows the breadth of Arts in HCI, illustrating the many fruitful possibilities for extending existing research and dissemination methods in HCI. It also calls into question current practices, which often do not recognise the significance of artist attribution, and, in turn, advocates for equal authorship between principal researchers and contributing artists.

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