PetTap is a fictive smart pet water bowl. PetTap was created to help provide a context for our game RepairLand (see portfolio for more on RepairLand). We 3D printed PetTap, as well as creating viral adverts and an app, so people would experience PetTap as if it was a real product. It is designed to make pet owners feel that it is a responsible and helpful device, and that they are good owners if they choose to buy it.
PetTap represents a real issue today of superfluous IoT devices flooding the market, which are greatly contributing to the amount of e-waste being produced each year. PetTap is deliberately designed to be hard to repair, both in its software and hardware. It has glued casing, so cannot be opened without force, it needs an app to function, and if it looses app connection or there is a software error, it is very difficult to fault find. Through our RepairLand game, players get to experience what it is like to try and repair this smart device, and the barriers and frustrations many consumers face.
Fusion 360 renderings of PetTap. PetTap went though many versions in its creation journey - these are V3. Click to enlarge.
I created a series of adverts that could be played at events to entice the public to learn more about PetTap and play RepairLand. This was very effective, the cute animals and upbeat music drew people in, and many thought it was a real product.
Renderings of phone app design. Click to enlarge.